Premium Package Basics

Erica Duran | Business Coach and Lifestyle Mentor | Premium Package Basics Course |Courses  Simplero Product Catalog Images  (800 x 450 px)

The Fastest Way I Know On How To Get Out Of A "Hours-For-Dollars" Business Model and Chasing the Calendar Each Month To Pay Your Bills (especially as a service-based entrepreneur) Is To Create Premium Packages.

Create and Sell Your Own High-End Premium Packages - Give Your Clients Exquisite Support, and Stop Working “Hours-For-Dollars”! 

Think About It…

How much do you need to make each month to survive?

How much do you need to make each month so that everything on your Vision Board comes true?

How much do you need to invest in tools for your business, private coaching, and training?

Now, think about how many $50 single sessions you’d have to sell to earn that much money in a month.

Seems impossible to find that many people to work with you in $50 one-off sessions in a 30-day period, right?

This is an exhausting way to do business.

Plus, remember that you are the expert in your topic and you know very well that you are not going to solve anything transformational for the client in one $50-ish single session.

You’ve probably heard me say this before, but you can’t bundle up a bunch of one-off sessions and offer a discount and call it a package!



That Is Trading MORE Hours for FEWER Dollars!

Welcome To The World Of Premium Packages!

Create your signature offering and support offerings.

Showcase your expert status so you can charge premium rates.

Setting your pricing and charge appropriately.

Make sure your packages and offerings have “curb appeal”.

Know how to set up a sales page for selling a premium package.

Know how to close a high-end sales conversation.

Up-level your brand with a flawless photoshoot.

This is probably one of the key things I work on with my private clients that gets their income to leap to the next level.

Erica Duran | Business Coach and Lifestyle Mentor | Premium Package Basics Course Includes

This is the start of you actually building your $5K to $20K+ months with ease!

Ready To Stop Selling One-Off Sessions, Services, and Products?

Now, I’m Sharing The Exact Steps With You In My New Program…

Create & Sell Your Own High-End Premium Packages

and Unchain Yourself From The Dollars-For-Hours Madness!

What’s Included In The Create and Sell Your Own High-End Premium Packages Course?

Through A Collection of Audios, Videos, Guidebooks, and Templates You’ll Learn...

How To Create Your First Premium Package

(and What Mistakes To Avoid)

It's A Jungle Out There Charge Appropriately! - How To Set Up Your Pricing and Not Leave Money On The Table

How To Showcase Your Expert Status

How To Add “Curb Appeal” To Your Premium Packages

Plus!  You'll Receive All These Bonuses!

Flawless Photoshoots To Position Yourself As A Premium Brand

Sales Conversations That Close

Sales Page Formulas

Create Your Life Resume

Plus!  Another AMAZING Bonus!

LIVE Support Through Our Facebook Group!

We don't believe in courses where you never get to talk to the creator, so in this course you get LIVE access!

Facebook Group | Erica Duran | Paid For Your Presence |(500 x 250 px)

Ready To Get Started Selling Your Own Premium Packages?

There Are THREE Ways To Access The "Premium Package Basics" Course

Purchase "Premium Package Basics" A La Carte

$97 one-time

One Course = Premium Package Basics

Most popular

Join The Paid For Your Presence Membership Site

$100 per month

(Or $997 For A Full Year)

Every Course and Resource - Including Premium Package Basics


Enroll In A Private Mentorship or Mastermind Program

All of Erica's Courses and Resources Are Included with Mentorship and Mastermind Programs - Including Premium Package Basics.

* Your Investment Today Will Always Act As A Credit Should You Desire To Upgrade Later *

Meet Your Host...


Erica Duran is a former Fortune 50 Executive turned International Freedom-Based Business and Lifestyle Mentor, Minimalist Digital Nomad, and Podcast Host.

She launched her online empire in 2004 and quickly grew it to a six-figure business in just nine months.

She can help you build your freedom-based business, design your luxury lifestyle, and Get Paid For Your Presence™!

Most of her clients earn $5K to $20K+ per month while reclaiming massive amounts of free time.

Erica believes that the one thing this world doesn’t need is more burnt out, overwhelmed women entrepreneurs who are baffled by technology & stressed over their never-ending to-do lists.

She doesn’t believe in formulas or blueprints.

Instead, Erica works with each client to help them develop and share their unique message and brand essence with the world so that they stand out online from their competition and attract their ideal clients/customers to them with minimal ad spend (if any).

She is a down-to-earth, relatable, tell-it-like-it-is coach and businesswoman who creates massive results and regularly hits unrealistic goals (and helps her clients do the same) by leveraging a blend of inspired action and intuition with the most effective online marketing strategy.

Erica’s list of clients ranges from brand new business owners to 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs across the online spectrum from authors, speakers, coaches, professional organizers, attorneys, web designers, stylists, healers, creatives, and more.

Erica is a hard-core minimalist and travels full-time as a digital nomad. She sold absolutely everything except her laptop, iPhone, 2 long-haired mini dachshunds, a few suitcases, and her brand-new Jeep. She travels around to warm climates in the US and beyond and "lives" in resorts that sponsor her podcast and other content.

Results Speak For Themselves

“My mindset has totally shifted and I’m consistently hitting high 5-figure months!”  ~Lisa Woodruff, Professional Organizer, Organize365

“Any time I have invested in working with Erica and followed her suggestions, I have made the money back quickly and easily!”
~Erin Keam, Personal Stylist,

“My Business Has Been Designed And Built To Support A 3-Day Work Week!”
~Kathy Lawless, Lifestory Curator

Ready to stop settling? Is it time to create the business, income, and lifestyle you've always dreamed of? 🏝

Erica Duran | Online Business Coach and Lifestyle Mentor | 1066 x 1597

Ready To Get Started Selling Your Own Premium Packages?

There Are THREE Ways To Access The "Premium Package Basics" Course

Purchase "Premium Package Basics" A La Carte

$97 one-time

One Course = Premium Package Basics

Most popular

Join The Paid For Your Presence Membership Site

$100 per month

(Or $997 For A Full Year)

Every Course and Resource - Including Premium Package Basics


Enroll In A Private Mentorship or Mastermind Program

All of Erica's Courses and Resources Are Included with Mentorship and Mastermind Programs - Including Premium Package Basics.

* Your Investment Today Will Always Act As A Credit Should You Desire To Upgrade Later *